"Wandering" 020698.0856AM # Supreme Beings of Leisure - "Never the Same" Ariana stepped through the mirror quickly, looking both ways as she exited the other side. "Good, no one around." she thought to herself. After a quick survey of the room, she came to the conclusion she was in some sort of inn or boarding house. The furniture was plain, and obviously used. The whole place had an institutionalized smell to it, overly non-personal and sanitized. There were two beds up against one wall, seperated in the middle by a small table with a drawer. There was a lamp and a strange box with numbered buttons, zero through nine and two with symbols, sitting on the table. She picked up the arm that was attached to the box by a cord and heard the distinct sound of electrical currents and a tone. "The wires aren't very good." she noted with disdain. She pushed a few buttons and heard different tones after each one followed by a brief ringing sound and then the voice of an AI saying, "Your call cannot be completed as dialed, please check your number, and try again or dial your local operator for assistance. If you feel you have reached this message in error..." Ari put the arm back in it's place. "Some kind of rustic communication tool." she commented aloud. There were some books in the drawer, but nothing Ariana could read. She turned and looked at the chairs and table in the far corner, nothing unusual there except for the design. On the opposite wall was a chest with several drawers, all of them empty. A small mirror hung on the wall above it and there was another lamp too, along with a large box. Further inspection of the 2ft. by 2ft., black synthetics and glass box lead her to believe it was possibly a video monitor of some sort. She noted the buttons on the bottom edge of it and pushed them one at a time until she felt the thing spring to life. "Ah, ha! Got it!" A picture faded in, a women talking about some sort of explosion. Pictures of a demolished building appeared behind her as she continued to talk about the on-going search for survivors. A mental image of Sev lying on the ground, rubble covering half his body, flooded Ari's brain. She winced at this and looked at the other buttons on the video box. Pushing the ones marked -CHAN UP- and -CHAN DWN- changed the pictures on the screen. She pushed the -CHAN UP- button a few times and let the picture come to a stop on the image of several children, various ages, standing in a fake location. The tree wasn't real, the grass wasn't real, nor was the background. It was a painting of a primative town or city, very obviously a painting. Ari noted the sick squeeky voices the kids were speaking with and the phoney happiness they expressed. It reminded her of someone trying to pretend they were happy so they wouldn't hurt your feelings. It also reminded her of the Expendables. The children trained to go where others couldn't because of their age. Innocence was a great diguise for a terrorist. Her attention slammed back towards the screen as the children began to clamour like talking-birds when a feline enters the room. To her disgust, a bright plush monster appeared on the screen. The colours were blinding. "Gah!" she exclaimed. "What the *hell* is that... that *thing* doing here?!" She couldn't believe her eyes, the purple demon that had been making a pest of itself at home was doing the same in this dimension. "This isn't possible." she thought. "It has to be a coincidence, just some freak coincidence." Ari watched the purple plushy dance around and slosh like a pile of primordial gel, the children following his lead. She made slight retching noises, felt her stomach churning as the blob and his puppets stopped their too perfect dance and song. She ran up to the video box, having sat on the edge of the bed a few minutes earlier, and hit the -OFF- button. The screen blipped off with an electrical beep and it's static charge faded slowly. "That's about all I need to see, I think I'll stick around this place for a while. At least until I find out what that plushy menace is doing here." she said to no one in particular. "Something tells me it is the same one that's been hanging about at home, not a coincidental duplicate." Remembering suddenly that she had left her backpack just inside the mirror, Ariana jumped up and went to retrieve it but when she stuck her hand in, it wasn't there. Cursing softly, she stepped through to the other side. "Where'd that thing go?" Looking around, she spotted it about 12 feet away. "Damn dimensional shifting." she grumbled. J-Rock walked down the corridor, keeping mental track of the room numbers as he did so. "406, 407, 408... here we go, 409." he thought to himself. He swiped the key card and unlocked the door, took a deep breath, and proceeded to throw the door open forcefully. The room was empty. Taking a quick peek around and checking behind the door, he concluded the room was deserted and chalked the phone activity up to a bug in the system. Wouldn't be the first time there was a bug, certainly wouldn't be the last. He shook his head, sat the key card down on the bed and dialed up the security office. "It was nothing, probably a glitch in the lines somewhere." He dropped the reciever into the cradle and headed for the door. Ariana looked around to confirm that it wasn't just somethings idea of a joke to move her backpack. Seeing nothing, she shrugged and walked over to picked it up. While looking to see that everything was still there, she felt a wave of cold hit her. She shivered as the plane started to shift suddenly. "Better get moving." she thought to herself, don't want to get stuck here. Mirror walking was a dangerous sport, it /could/ be anyways. Once a plane started shifting, you only had a few minutes to get out before all the openings lead you somewhere else. Since you can't tell for sure where it's going to open to next, a hasty retreat can mean the difference of a few hundred miles and being lunch. Ari had had just about enough exploring for one day. She turned around and headed back towards the door, stepping through quickly. "What's this?" she thought aloud, spotting a flat, thin piece of plastic on the bed. Picking it up for a better look, she was caught completely unaware when the doorknob turned, and someone started to walk through the door. Dropping the card, she faded out of existance as the figure dived for her. "Hold it right..." "Spider shit," she cursed aloud "That was a stupid thing to do, I've /got/ to be more careful." She took a deep breath, opened her eyes and started when she saw that she was in another room just like the one she'd left. Closing her eyes, Ari listened for footsteps, alarms, anything that would indicate she was being hunted for. "That wasn't a very smart thing to do." came the voice from behind the plastic He-Man mask. A small and slightly sticky hand lifted it to reveal the face of an 8 or 9 year old boy. "He could have your finger prints now." "Yeah." sneered the fairy princess with one bent wing. Ariana rolled her eyes and sighed. "I'll fix it, I'll fix it already. Brats..." she added under her breath. [tbc]