VRDET Tech. - Electronics, Medical Hand-held X-ray scanner. Description: A portable, hand-held x-ray device. Scanning Device - 3 X 4 X 1.5 [WxLxH inches] Image Output device - 5 X 5 X .5 [WxLxH inches] Combined weight - 1 Lbs., Scanner - .3Lbs Output device - .7 Lbs Power Source: 1 [one] rechargeable lithium battery pack. 2 X 3 X 0.5 [WxLxH inches] weight=0.2 lbs Good for 12 hours of continuous use when fully charged. Battery pack takes 6 hours to charge and is good for a minimum of 500 charges before it begins to degrade and stops holding a charge. By using the latest in imaging and micro-technology along with wireless capabilities, now anyone, even those without medical training, can competantly and quickly diagnose fracture and breaks in the field. Lightweight and easily powered, this new device will be included in at least one pack on every away-mission. Current device does not offer the printing nor saving of x-rays nor is it possible to adjust the size of the area shown in the output window but further developement should make it at least possible to send images via a jihadlinker to the medical database back at HQ and eventually we'll be able to send images from one dimension to another.