Subject: Field Report, Iceland Date: 17 Jan 1998 00:00:00 GMT From: (Nexxus Kline) Organization: OneNet Communications News Hub Newsgroups: alt.barney.dinosaur.die.die.die Field Report Iceland 17JAN98 After much research I have come to the following conclusion. Sponge concentration levels in this location are minimal to none. There is little, if any, evident Hell Wyrm infestation here. Sponge sightings among the general population so far have not happened. Of the available television channels here[1] none are currently braodcasting the Evil Show[tm]. Sightings of propaganda have been witnessed but only once and the carrier was not a native to the area. It is my opinion that the biggest threat comes by way of cross-contamination at this point and not from the source of evil itself. All in all, Iceland has virtually remained unexploited by the Hell Wyrm. Reasons for this are uncertain as of yet but possible explanations could include the high literacy rate, the heavy involvement of parents in their childrens lives and the pronounced tendency of the population to 'think for themselves' instead of as a group. More research into this will probably reveal that indeed, the way children are brought up to be independant, self-thinkers has spared this culture the fate of having mindless wyrm-worshippers as children. [the fact that they have a history of being battle-hungry, well seasoned fighters who take no crap and run from nothing may have something to do with it too :P] [1] While the general population has access to only a few channels, 2 Icelandic, one Swedish, one Norweigen, and one from the UK, those living in the American sector [called The State] have access to a few more and one of the /does/ broadcast the Hell Wyrm. The broadcasts are sporadic, often times at unusual hours like 2 AM, when children are unlikely to be watching. Merchandise depicting the Evil One[tm] is available in limited quantities and selection, still posing a threat of contamination to the native population but in a minor way as mixing of the two cultures is extremely limited with this age-group. Conclusion: Careful monitoring for signs of wide-spread spongification is advisable. Lt. Mahtash, Theta Squad, TRES On assignment in Iceland.